Pool Epoxy™

Two-component solvent-based epoxy paint for pools

Suitable for cement construction surfaces, like tanks and pools. Resistant to extreme temperatures and friction.


  • Resistance to sea water and chlorine
  • Strong adhesion to concrete
  • Quick drying
  • Easy brushing
  • Ideal leveling


Packaging:3lt ( A 2.25lt + B 0.75lt ),9lt ( A 6.75lt + B 2.25lt )

Technical Info

Technical Information

Αραίωση διαλυτού
8 - 12 with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000
6 - 8 m²/L
1-2 hours

Application - Tools


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General Information

KRAFT POOL EPOXY is a two-component solvent-based epoxy paint suitable for cement construction surfaces, like tanks and pools. It is easily applied featuring resistance to extreme temperatures and friction, as well as to chemicals, chlorination products, water, sea water and sunscreen oils.

How to Use

To ensure good adhesion, the surface must be dry (humidity limit <4%), clean, and free of dust, grease, salts, rust, residues, blistered paints, etc. Remove all moss, fungi and algae by mechanical abrasion, using 10% hydrochloric acid solution. Wash with soapy water and allow the substrate to dry.

  • On new surfaces of concrete or cement mortar apply no earlier than 28 days after construction. Use KRAFT STRONG REPAIR 84 to fill gaps, cracks and other damaged parts.
  • For protection against negative tensions, apply 2 coats of KRAFT HYDROGUARD FLEX crosswise. Enhance the edges using KRAFT HYDROGUARD NET antialkaline reinforcement mesh.
  • On previously painted surfaces, remove old paints using solvents or mechanical means. If the previous paint is a 2-component material in a good condition, sand lightly with a sandpaper only.
  • Glossy surfaces should be sanded with a sandpaper to ensure good adhesion of the paint.
  • Stir components A and B very well before application, in the indicated ratio, using a low-speed stirrer until homogeneous. .
  • Thinning: 1st coat: 10-12% with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000 2nd or 3rd coat: 8-10% with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000.
  • On new surfaces: apply 2 coats of ΚRAFT POOL EPOXY.
  • On painted surfaces with a stable substrate Apply 2 coats of KRAFT POOL EPOXY.
  • Clean the tools and product residues immediately with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000..
  • Store the product between 5°C and 35°C and <50% humidity.
  • Keep containers tightly closed.

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