Εποξειδικό Χρώμα

Two-component solvent-based epoxy paint

Suitable for indoor surfaces of cement, metals and for industrial floors. Resistant to extreme temperatures.


  • Strong adhesion to concrete and metals
  • Ideal for high traffic areas
  • Easy application

Shades:White, White RAL 7040

Packaging:3lt ( A 2.25lt + B 0.75lt )

Technical Info

Technical Information

Αραίωση διαλυτού
8 - 12 with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000
6 - 8 m²/L
2-3 hours

Application - Tools


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General Information

Two-component solvent-based epoxy paint suitable for surfaces of cement, metals, and for construction surfaces in general as well as industrial floors. It is easily applied offering resistant to extreme temperatures, to friction and to the industrial environment.

How to Use

To ensure good adhesion, the surface must be dry (humidity limit <4%), clean, and free of dust, grease, salts, rust, residues, blistered paints, etc.

  • Loose materials and previous coats must be removed by brushing, by sanding with sanding machine or by vacuum cleaner of high power.
  • Use a suitable KRAFT repair material for filling gaps, cracks and damaged parts.
  • New surfaces of concrete or cement mortar .
  • Painted surfaces of a solid substrate it is recommended to be sanded with a sandpaper or a sanding machine to ensure proper adhesion of the paint.
  • New construction and metallic surfaces should be primed with KRAFT EPOXY PRIMER to ensure proper adhesion of the paint.
  • Before applying, mix the components A & B very well in the indicated ratio v/v (3:1), using a low speed drill or mixer until homogeneous. Apply 2 coats of KRAFT EPOXY PAINT for maximum protection avoiding exceeding the appropriate coating thickness.


  • 1st coat: 10-12% with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000.
  • 2nd coat: 8-10% with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000.
  • Clean the tools and product residues immediately with KRAFT NITRO SOLVENT 2000.
  • Store the product at temperatures between 5°C and 35°C and at relative humidity<50%.
  • Keep containers tightly closed when not in use.

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