Easy Foam 50

Handheld polyurethane foam

Suitable for wood, cement, stones, metals, etc. It is fire-resistant and non-toxic. Used for windows and doors placement, filling holes, sealing openings on roofs, etc.


  • Excellent adhesion on most materials
  • High thermal and acoustic insulation
  • Sensitive to UV radiation
  • Self-expanded
  • Easy application



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Γενικές Πληροφορίες

KRAFT EASY FOAM 50 is a one-component polyurethane foam which undergoes polymerization when exposed to air humidity. It is easy to use and apply, it is self-expanded and its volume almost doubles upon polymerization. It features excellent adhesion on wood, cement, stones, metals, etc. One single canister can provide up to 45 lit of polymerized foam but this is largely dependable on the application conditions (temperature, air humidity, available expansion space, etc.). The polymerized foam is fire-resistant and non-toxic.

Πώς να το χρησιμοποιήσετε

The surface must be clean and free of dust (it can be wet but not frozen). The foam flow rate is adjusted by pressing the valve. Enough free space for expansion should be left as the material gets expanded 2-2.5 times upon polymerization.

Before use, the canister must be kept at room temperature for 12 hours at least. Shaking is also required for about 15 seconds before use.

Remove the lid and tightly screw the plastic hose. During application, keep the canister upside down..

Do not apply at temperatures below 5°C or above 35°C.

Easy Foam 50 is cleaned with a special cleaner.

Polymerized foam can only be cleaned mechanically. The cleaner simply softens the foam.

Store the product in a shaded area at a temperature between 5°C and 35°C in an upright position. The shelf life of the product is 18 months when stored as recommended, in the original sealed packaging.

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