Easy Repair 80

Polymer-modified, fiber reinforced, repairing mortar

Easy Repair 80 is a one-component, cement-based, repairing mortar, reinforced with advanced adhesion and thixotropic resins, as well as PP fibers. Contains natural hydraulic recycled binders (Recycled Green Technology) as well as active additives that improve workability and eliminate shrinkage & dehydration tendencies. It does not corrode metal reinforcements as it has zero percentage of chlorine ions and lime. The selected ratio of cement and graded aggregates offers a fine-grained finish.


  • Excellent adhesion to the substrate
  • Natural recycled raw materials (Recycled Green Technology)
  • Excellent workability and thixotropy (no sagging)
  • Zero shrinkage & dehydration cracks
  • Resistant to temperature changes
  • Non-corrosive (free of chlorine ions and lime)
  • Indoor and outdoor usage



ΕΝ 1504-2
ΕΝ 1504-2

Τεχνικές Πληροφορίες

Τεχνικά Στοιχεία

5,5 - 6 Lt water/25Kg, 1,1 - 1,2Lt water/5Kg
1,5 - 1,6 Kg/m2/mm
2-3 hours

Εφαρμογή - Εργαλεία

Μηχανή Eκτόξευσης

Κατεβάστε τα αρχεία

Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Easy Repair 80 is suitable for repairing damage to concrete or masonry, on walls and ceilings. It is also used to form grooves between vertical and horizontal surfaces as well as in roof repairs (ridge tiles etc.). It has a fine-grained finish. It is applied in thickness of 3 - 30 mm (locally up to 50mm). Suitable for indoor and outdoor usage.

Πώς να το χρησιμοποιήσετε

To ensure good adhesion substrate should be sound, clean, rough, free of dust, oil, lime, tar and loose elements.

Light soaking with water before use.

On substrates with high absorbency (eg aerated concrete, old plasters/renders, etc.) it is recommended to apply Eco Dur Aqua by KRAFT PAINTS diluted 1: 1 to 1: 2 with water. Caution! The primer must properly be diluted in order to be completely absorbed and avoid film formation on the substrate surface.

Application of Easy Repair 80 on the substrate is carried out using a metal spatula or trowel in a thickness of 3-30 mm per layer (locally up to 50mm). Depending on the conditions and the thickness of application, any subsequent layers are repeated with "fresh to fresh" method, or after roughness increase and light wetting of the surface.

For further improvement of adhesion and flexibility, where needed, it is recommended to add KRAFT PAINTS mortar reinforcement resin, in a ratio of 1:2 - 1:3 to the mixing water, depending on each application.

Tools should be cleaned immediately after application with plenty of water while the material is still fresh or otherwise mechanically. Remove as much material as possible from tools before cleaning. Stored on wooden palettes and in a dry environment with temperature above 5ºC for 12 months from the production date.

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